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"Cover to write home about"

Upset that unattended skis not covered…..

Last Monday night at my local ‘The Weary Traveller’, there was a heated debate going on over by the inglenook fireplace. From what I could make out Barry had just returned from his skiing holiday and was complaining that his travel insurance company had been difficult over a claim he had made.

According to Barry he had completed his morning skiing and was feeling peckish, so he took off his skis and placed them in a ski rack outside the snack bar at the bottom the run. Of course being Barry, he had started chatting to people in the bar, and so it was a few hours later before he emerged, hoping to get one more run in before the lifts closed for the day.

However his skis were not in the rack where he had left them – he searched the area, but to no avail and so he trundled back to his hotel got out his laptop and e-mailed his insurance company.

‘Can you believe it?’ he asked ‘They said I wasn’t covered because I had left them unattended! What was I supposed to do? I asked them wear them in the snack bar?’ He was not happy!

Well, I wasn’t going to get involved, but unfortunately his insurers were not acting any differently to many other policies.  If you leave your skis unattended you are not covered.

Just then Freda who had also just been skiing  joined the conversation;  turns out  she bought her travel insurance  policy from Postcard Travel Insurance, and they cover skis left in ski racks and ski locker rooms – they also provide cover for you to hire replacement skis if yours are lost stolen or damaged. Postcard will also pay the original purchase price for the skis and there is no policy excess.

Freda clearly did her homework before she went away!

Postcard travel insurance has a specialist ski travel insurance product to cover one off trips or multiple trips. There are no policy excesses, no deductions for age or wear and tear, and cover for those unattended skis.

Visit and see what else Postcard can offer.

Cover to write home about at prices you can afford – that’s the Postcard Promise


Postcard is a trading name of Travel Insurance Facilities Plc, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority FRN306537. tifgroup is trading name of Travel Insurance Facilities Plc registered in England No. 3220410 ©. tifgroup ; all rights reserved. Registered Office: 1 Tower View, Kings Hill, West Malling, ME19 4UY. All policies offered are on a non-advised basis